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  3. B2B pitching


1. Business challenge

Client needs UX angle to pitch from to win B2B contract.

2. Design process

Dependency modelling is traditionally part of requirements engineering, used it in a novel way to devise a B2B angle in which to pitch from. Showed future vision of a service design solution with storyboards.

3. Business solution

Created a pitch that won my client the B2B contract.

My role

Responsible for all aspects of UX design. Attended workshops, other participants included: senior journalists, upper management and an art director.

Design process

1. Strategy

Attended workshop with senior staff to generate ideas. Senior staff picked best idea. Research after workshop showed their chosen idea had been already implemented. Senior staff then asked me to use my UX skills to find a new angle in which to pitch from.

Post-it notes used in workshop


2. Concept

Dependency modelling

dependency modelling

Turned inherited user research into personas and task models. Using personas and task models I did dependency modelling to find weaknesses in existing products. Then did more dependency modelling to explore how my clients resources could fix found weaknesses. Used storyboards to communicate with upper management the service design solution dependency modelling had unearthed.

3. Design

Upper management liked the service design solution and asked me to use their brand guidelines to visually restyle the UX deliverables I produced and then work them into a pitch presentation.

Used storyboards in pitch


Pitch layout

To comply with disclosure agreements all original text and illustrations have been replaced with generic ones.